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 Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!

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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyThu 30 Apr 2020 - 8:21

Man, Heath's Joker was so good . . .

I bought Deadly Premonitions today, between that and Luigi's Mansion my socially distant Golden Week gaming should be decent.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyThu 30 Apr 2020 - 14:29

The PS2 games I just got I posted in the collection thread as it was basically over half of what is now my collection.

My laptop has come, easy to set up and just installing launchers like STEAM, Epic and Xbox along with watching Twitch to get into the Valorant BETA.
Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Maxresdefault

I have bought the new XCOM: Chimera Squad of STEAM as I've got a lot to play that I didn't go for Disco Elysium which is on sale at the moment or look at much else.
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Disciple of Scullion

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyFri 1 May 2020 - 10:06

Interested in Deadly Premonition - it's got a bit of the Resi 4s about it.

Nice laptop mas, is that an i7 processor? I'm on an i5 still and my "gaming laptop" kind of splutters with anything post-2013. Transistor is probably the most modern game I've run successfully (Stardew aside).

I started building a wishlist on the eShop and bought my first Switch digital game!

Meant to be a good 'un:
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The Next Miyamoto

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyFri 1 May 2020 - 10:45

It's 8th gen i5, I played the first Act of Gears Tactics last night and ran like a dream.

I'm tempted to download something like Gears 5 or Forza as I've got access and see how they run on it.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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The Cappuccino Kid

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyFri 1 May 2020 - 11:38

gjones wrote:

*buys Switch Lite*

In case you didn't know, there's a seven day free trail of Nintendo Switch Online available on the eShop:

Maybe now's the time to enable it - Splatoon 2 has a free trail until May 6th:
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Disciple of Scullion

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyFri 1 May 2020 - 13:24

The Cappuccino Kid wrote:
gjones wrote:

*buys Switch Lite*

In case you didn't know, there's a seven day free trail of Nintendo Switch Online available on the eShop:

Maybe now's the time to enable it - Splatoon 2 has a free trail until May 6th:

Good shout. I'm well up for some portable Super Metroid with headphones on. Is Tetris 99 any good?
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The Cappuccino Kid
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The Cappuccino Kid

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyFri 1 May 2020 - 17:01

Tetris 99 is magic, definitely download that!
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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyFri 1 May 2020 - 19:26

gjones wrote:
I started building a wishlist on the eShop and bought my first Switch digital game!

Meant to be a good 'un:

You're not wrong there boss! What else is on that list? (starts to burble about Celeste again)
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Disciple of Scullion

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyFri 1 May 2020 - 21:17

At the moment it's To the Moon, Lumines Remastered, Sayonara Wild Hearts, Horizon Chase Turbo, Golf Story, Good Job!, Valkyria Chronicles, Into the Breach, Steamworld Dig 2, Cuphead, Celeste, Dead Cells and Final Fantasy XII.

I get the impression that the Nintendo first-party games are cheaper for physical versions - saves getting an SD card for the time being too.
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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyMon 4 May 2020 - 21:43

I don't think they're ever cheap, are they? Apart from about three years after launch.

Anyway, that's a grand haul - obviously Celeste is my fave, but of that list that I've played only Golf Story fails at what it's trying to do, I'd say, and I think I'm in the minority there. Games I'd add to that if you haven't played 'em are Untitled Goose Game, Baba Is You, Murder by Numbers, and Monster Boy (if it's ever half price again), although the first three are probably quite dependant on you enjoying their weird things they do.
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyTue 5 May 2020 - 19:12

Hope you like To the Moon, gjones! One of my favourite indie titles, that one.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyTue 5 May 2020 - 20:20

Some Nintendo games to go cheap quick like Fire Emblem Warriors then others like BotW still full price

I'd like to add get GRIS it's excellent but might be worth looking at our votes as I bring up some other eShop games and others will have as well.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptySat 9 May 2020 - 10:56

I do have chewy on order as work didn't have nay left and also got wave 2 coming in July which has Boba Fett, Yoda etc
Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EXhJsFAWoAMSgYQ?format=jpg&name=large
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptySun 24 May 2020 - 15:30

Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 IMG_20200524_152154543_zpshnu4yu4s

The Animal Crossing Companion Guide is an absolute beast at 432 pages, and while it's probably all stuff that you can find on the internet, it's really nicely put together. The Saturn controller isn't though, it's got loads of issues. It was only a tenner at Argos though, and it's decent enough for playing Game Boy Color games. Pokemon Soleil was £13 on Amazon UK, the link's in the 3DS Bargains Thread.  Thumbs Up!
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Shiny Shuckle

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyMon 25 May 2020 - 16:06

masofdas wrote:
The PS2 games I just got I posted in the collection thread as it was basically over half of what is now my collection.

My laptop has come, easy to set up and just installing launchers like STEAM, Epic and Xbox along with watching Twitch to get into the Valorant BETA.

I thought about getting an Acer. They've got some innovative cooling techniques but originally me and my partner were going to share my laptop and she didn't like the way they looked. I nearly went for an absolutely mental, two screen laptop but went for something more sane in the end [a blade 15 standard edition]. The one you pictured looks nice.

masofdas wrote:
I have bought the new XCOM: Chimera Squad of STEAM as I've got a lot to play that I didn't go for Disco Elysium which is on sale at the moment or look at much else

You can get Disco Elysium for free [and about 200 other games] if you want to share steam libraries with me. It's a bit of a hassle to set up but I think I have a few free library shares left.

And i5's are good! Although, as with everything in PC's, it depends on the model and how good your other components are and what tasks you're doing. Still have a 6 year old i5 in my desktop and it's still working just fine. My laptop has a fairly high end i7, which is complete overkill. The problem with i7's is that they get really hot. They're great for short tasks, but if you want to play games on them you either need a good cooler in a desktop, a laptop built like a brick, or you need to cap their speeds.
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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! - Page 40 EmptyTue 26 May 2020 - 22:27

We're into the point where the thread's about to split. Feel free to create Yesterday I Fourght!
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