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The Next Miyamoto

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What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyMon 12 Oct 2020 - 9:26

Boo Smurf on Supergiants other games

I started Hades last night and it's certainly quality but the rogue-lite element of you died now go back to the start, has already started to annoy me.

I'm also back playing Animal Crossing New Horizons which is actually on Switch (Hades playing on PC) and getting my Halloween decorations.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyMon 12 Oct 2020 - 11:20

Keep going with it Mas, the roguelike elements are integral to the story. You also get to upgrade Zagreas as you go with the resources you gain from each run so no run is wasted.

I can see why episode 5 is regarded as a classic. The premise is very good and in places so is the execution. The amount of evidence does get a little much but some of the big moments are just a bit, nope.

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyMon 12 Oct 2020 - 11:56

Yeah I've upgraded him a bit and my lucky tooth has ranked up as well, and when time I come back from a run had some story beats.

I like everything about it though the artstyle, vo, combat, music, the world etc

Shame it isn't on Xbox or PS4 (would have to wait till I get my PS5) as I do have a few games on my PC but often forget about it as a gaming platform (is a few games coming or out that might change that) where if on Xbox would have played some this morning before work.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyMon 12 Oct 2020 - 12:31

I went with the item you get from Cerberus when I first started out, which gives you a significant max hp bump. Later I found myself using items that boost your attack damage, but my go to item is from a character I didn't meet for quite a while. I'm not sure if that was because of RNG or me.

Athena's boons are quite useful when you're new, especially her dash related boons. Zeus is also really good. Not that any of the other Gods are bad, they're all really useful. But Athena's defensive abilities and Zeus' jolt status are really useful when you're starting out.

Pretty sure it has cross-platform saving for if and when it does come out elsewhere.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyMon 12 Oct 2020 - 13:53

Don't think Cerberus has given me a item

Yeah cross-save might get a look whenever this comes to other consoles (Pyre never did though)
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyMon 12 Oct 2020 - 14:04

Better start hitting him up with some sweet Nectar then yo.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyMon 12 Oct 2020 - 14:58

Gave most of who I've met some
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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyMon 12 Oct 2020 - 19:30

Rum wrote:
Weirdly this case is heralded as being a classic, but I definitely agree with the quantity over quality statement. It's a good case but you end up with so much evidence to wade through it's hard to keep track of what's relevant!

Muss wrote:
I can see why episode 5 is regarded as a classic. The premise is very good and in places so is the execution. The amount of evidence does get a little much but some of the big moments are just a bit, nope.

I'm amazed that it's thought of as a classic to be honest. I didn't think any of Ema, Lana, Angel, or even Jake were that good (Jake makes up for it by having a belting theme tune, but otherwise he's just... a bit much), there's too much evidence and too much material, and in the iPhone version the evidence descriptions actually bug out halfway through. The case's saving graces are spending more time with classic AA characters and Damon Gant, and the writing's still good, but... eh. Anyway, hope you finish it soon Muss! Then it's onto... oh dear.

masofdas wrote:
I'm also back playing Animal Crossing New Horizons which is actually on Switch (Hades playing on PC) and getting my Halloween decorations.

How many people are still playing ACNH? I'm tuning in a couple of times a month to get the new bugs and creatures and stuff.

I'm also, in my post-NNK downtime, playing a bit more of Super Lucky (it's easy to rattle off a couple of levels without really having to think, so it's a decent game for the neutral times in my existence) and Machinarium. I played the demo. for that years ago on Mac and never got around to buying the whole thing, so here we are. It's a cute little point-and-click, but some of the genre's frustrations are beginning to show...
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyTue 13 Oct 2020 - 2:52

I still cross Animals two or three times a week but it doesn't feel as compelling as previous games because the animals themselves are just there to be pretty dolls and do what they're told.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyTue 13 Oct 2020 - 12:23

That was one of the things which disappointed me about New Horizons. Once I had built up my island I didn't feel like there was much bringing me back. Had a good time while it lasted though.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyTue 13 Oct 2020 - 12:30

Does seem to lack content that others had, like wasn't there a coffee shop in one of them?
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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyTue 13 Oct 2020 - 12:41

I'm still playing New Horizons daily, there's enough going on to keep me around for anywhere between ten and thirty minutes a day. Even just the other day, I achieved a five-star rating on my island for the first time. Something else I've found is that the villager dialogue becomes a bit more interesting if you speak with them more than twice a day. 


I'm playing FIFA 21 Legacy Edition! Yeah, it's basically just FIFA 16 on 360 but a little bit nicer-looking and a bit faster. I'll wring what I can out of the career mode and trade it in. I paid £28 for it and I should get most of it back. Meh, as bare-arsed cheeky as it is to release the same game for a fourth time, I'm not as offended by it as everybody else seems to be.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyTue 13 Oct 2020 - 12:49

There was Mas and some people were really into stuff like that.

Seem to remember from trailers and such that there were a lot of images circulating showing villagers and players sharing a picnic and other communal activities. But those things don't really exist in the game outside of lucking into a situation that looks like you're interacting with the villagers. I was disappointed that things were just too superficial.

Even things like the fishing tournament made me feel like I wasn't really a part of my island community, when it was so clearly a time trial rather than an actual island competition. I guess you're meant to get most of the community vibes from online. It's not fair to expect the villagers to behave like Sims I suppose, I just wish they felt less like dolls in this edition.

I'd still consider it a great game though and I don't regret the time I sunk into it at all.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyTue 13 Oct 2020 - 13:02

Animal Crossing New Horizons is great and is number 2 for GOTY and could be my number 1 Switch game.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyTue 13 Oct 2020 - 22:06

I'm still playing Animal Crossing every day and the recent Halloween stuff has definitely helped encourage me to play for a bit longer. I'm often just checking what's new and whilst it's mainly out of habit and routine I don't feel like I HAVE TO play and on the occasional day I can't be bothered I just won't.

Overall I would say I'm disappointed with New Horizons though, it is great and all the new stuff is nice but it just feels like Animal Crossing again and if I'd have started up again on New Leaf it wouldn't be any different, they really needed to add more meat to the game this time round and again they didn't so as much as it's objectively one of the best Switch games I don't think I'd rate it as my favourite Switch game of the year.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyTue 13 Oct 2020 - 22:14

The reason I'd also rate highly on Switch is because I've not played much on Switch this year but me & Balla have talked about it a lot this year already.

Also depends how you feel about ports etc as I could easily argue Final Fantasy IX is the best game on Switch for instance.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyWed 14 Oct 2020 - 3:00

I've clocked 160 hours on New Horizons and I still play, it's my happy space, but I just don't get quite the same feelings I did from earlier games. I think I will try talking multiple times in the same day, though, I'm intrigued.
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Disciple of Greener

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyWed 14 Oct 2020 - 14:34

I'm almost at 200 hours on New Horizons, and it probably is my favourite Animal Crossing game (I went back to my old Gamecube village a couple of months ago and realised how little there is to do in comparison), but I'm not playing it every day. I'm just collecting stuff, raising some money, chatting to some villagers, for about 20 minutes each day.
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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyWed 14 Oct 2020 - 18:57

Buskalilly wrote:
...the animals themselves are just there to be pretty dolls and do what they're told.

Muss wrote:
...I didn't feel like there was much bringing me back.

Treesmurf wrote:
Overall I would say I'm disappointed with New Horizons though, it is great and all the new stuff is nice but it just feels like Animal Crossing again and if I'd have started up again on New Leaf it wouldn't be any different, they really needed to add more meat to the game this time round and again they didn't...

Oh wow, people are actually starting to have my views on the Animal Crossing games! On this one anyway, but that's how I've felt about them all so far. By 'pretty dolls', do you mean they won't up and leave unless you let them Buska? That is I think one of the reasons I'm still playing this one, I can leave it a few weeks and I know I won't pay any price apart from weeds. Sure it's less 'realistic', but then I never felt the villagers were terribly realistic anyway.

Rum wrote:
...but I'm not playing it every day. I'm just collecting stuff, raising some money, chatting to some villagers, for about 20 minutes each day.


Smurf will be pleased to know that I've finally, years later, acquired Just Shapes & Beats; but I'm going to try not to play any new games before the Crown Tundra comes out.
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Disciple of Greener

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyWed 14 Oct 2020 - 18:58

Each day that I play it. Surely each ≠ every.
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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyWed 14 Oct 2020 - 19:04

Ah! You're right, but they seem to get elided a lot.
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Disciple of Greener

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyWed 14 Oct 2020 - 22:46

I bet you just used a fancy word there to make up for the fact that what I said wasn't *actually* wrong Razz
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyThu 15 Oct 2020 - 3:04

He thinks it makes him look clever but we all see through it. Same with the accent, he puts that on.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyThu 15 Oct 2020 - 3:09

Balladeer wrote:

Oh wow, people are actually starting to have my views on the Animal Crossing games!  On this one anyway, but that's how I've felt about them all so far.  By 'pretty dolls', do you mean they won't up and leave unless you let them Buska?  That is I think one of the reasons I'm still playing this one, I can leave it a few weeks and I know I won't pay any price apart from weeds.  Sure it's less 'realistic', but then I never felt the villagers were terribly realistic anyway.

It is very specifically this one, though it has been a slow decline.
In the earlier games, they would actively approach you to ask you to do things. They would develop hobbies, which they would actually do, and these would change over time and might spread through the village between other characters. They had very distinct personalities; the mean ones wouldn't like you until you spent a lot of time earning it, like with Mabel at the tailors.

And, yeah, sometimes they would do frustrating things you didn't want them to which made them more real.

This was the Monster Hunter World of Animal Crossing games; front loaded with content and onboarding features for new players, lacking in the endgame and backend which enabled me to pour so much time and love into predecessors.

Tama did a real good video on this stuff, much of which I felt but hadn't fully realised and couldn't explain.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch?   What are you playing on your Switch? - Page 37 EmptyThu 15 Oct 2020 - 21:12

Balladeer wrote:
Oh wow, people are actually starting to have my views on the Animal Crossing games!  On this one anyway, but that's how I've felt about them all so far.  By 'pretty dolls', do you mean they won't up and leave unless you let them Buska?  That is I think one of the reasons I'm still playing this one, I can leave it a few weeks and I know I won't pay any price apart from weeds.  Sure it's less 'realistic', but then I never felt the villagers were terribly realistic anyway.

I've felt this way for the last few games, additions seem far too minimal each time but I'm still a sucker for getting lost in my island/village and so will always put plenty of hours in to it and enjoy it too, I just wanna have a kickabout with my neighbours.

Balladeer wrote:
Smurf will be pleased to know that I've finally, years later, acquired Just Shapes & Beats; but I'm going to try not to play any new games before the Crown Tundra comes out.

YAAAAAAAS! I don't know if it's rose tinted glasses or not but I've started to feel so much stronger about Just Shapes & Beats that I believe everyone should own it and I've even double dipped on PS4.
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