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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyFri 22 Sep 2017 - 21:09

Because not all of us have, or want, a Backloggery account.  The Switch library is building up swiftly, so here are the games I have that I want to finish but haven't, in order of want-to-get-back-to-ness:
  • Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, which I'm currently theoretically playing but I can't ignore the fact that I'm more into MHS;
  • Overcooked, especially the DLC where you can unlock a panda chef;
  • Spla2n's one-player;
  • Shovel Knight.  Not the rest of the DLC for now, the main adventure would be a start;
  • Snipperclips, a charming game but superseded in the two-player stakes by Overwatchcooked, among other things.

And yet I've just bought Thimbleweed Park and SWD2, and we all know what comes out next month... Aww!

Fancy posting your Switch backlog, if you have such a thing?  And then coming back to this thread as it grows and shrinks?  Go on, you know you want to...

Last edited by Balladeer on Mon 25 Sep 2017 - 20:04; edited 2 times in total
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyFri 22 Sep 2017 - 21:25

SteamWorld Dig 2.

Backlog ends. Cool

This is obviously because I've not had Zelda to swallow whole days of Switch playtime.
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptySat 23 Sep 2017 - 1:51

All I have is Lego City Undercover, Fast RMX & Gonner, the latter is understandable considering it's a rouge-like and is made for playing here & there.
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The Next Aonuma

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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptySat 23 Sep 2017 - 10:38

Good job this is just for Switch

    Physical Games Collection
  • The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+, Got from NSG and not really my thing
  • Has-Been Heroes, Better games have come out but simliar to Jas with GoNNER its Rogue-like nature make it for playing here and there
  • LEGO Worlds, Just bought because it was only £22
  • Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, The game I want to say I'm playing on Switch primarily at the moment but I'm only on World 2
  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, I've included it here as I've done Zero of the single player as I did all that on Wii U, so is literary just for Multiplayer
  • Monster Hunter Double Cross - Nintendo Switch Version, Was waiting for Drunka so I could continue on but I've now got distracted by M+R
  • Seiken Densetsu Collection, It has 3 games on it and one I've never played plus even though the Mana series is a bit of babies first JRPG it is still hard in Japanese
  • Skylanders Imaginators, Got because of NSG and was planning to do a let's play sereies but Elagato broke and now since launch the Switch library is much better and I'm yet to buy Crash or Cortex figures.  
  • Splatoon 2, This is much like MK8D but I do want to play the Single Player

    Digital Games Collection  
  • Fast RMX, I've done like one or two cups, it has been mainly a Multiplayer game
  • Graceful Explosion Machine, Bought in the sale and could be a good one for a quick pick up and play
  • I Am Setsuna, This is the one I want to play the most out of all my digital games, its just a certain other system has other RPGs I need to be playing instead
  • Ironcast, This is sort of Rogue-like x Match 3 and I play a lot in handheld mode but I always see Game Over before the boss which may only be the first of many but the game a a few characters to unlock along with gear that I feel it is all part of the game.
  • Kamiko, I had some funds and it's cheap along with positive things said about it but yet to give a good go
  • Mr. Shifty, Got via NSG and I have done a bit of a review of it and nearly finished but it's rather repetitive and the novelty wears off after a while.
  • NBA Playgrounds, Bought to support the studio and not for the free Shaq-Fu
  • Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, Got at launch like loads did but I got stuck into Zelda then Persona 5 on PS4 etc and just not gone back since  
  • SteamWorld Dig 2, Just got via NSG and I'm loving it
  • Vaccine, A Res Evil throwback and well its not good.

Yeah so a lot of games but I do think it shows how the great Switch library is but mine will be added to next month with 3 games at retail at least (I've got a import coming as well at the moment). I said elsewhere and I'll say again this is the first time since the Cube that I could be Nintendo only.

If you are wondering what I've actually beaten it's Zelda, ARMS, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Sonic Mania, Snake Pass and PAN-PAN.
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PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptySat 23 Sep 2017 - 10:56

Oh I forgot about GEM but given the hi-score nature of the game I get far too hooked on trying to perfect a level that I never move on to the others. Embarrassed
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptySun 24 Sep 2017 - 1:27

Oh fuck. This is not a thread I wanted to see - for my own sake! No

From oldest to newest...

Snipperclips - Still got a few levels to go. My excuse is that I'd rather play this with someone else than solo.

Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove - More specifically, Spectre Knight and Plague Knight's respective campaigns.

Splatoon 2 - I've still got the single player to rattle off.

Monster Hunter XX: Switch Edition - Getting through this bit by bit, mind.

Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle - Working my way steadily through this.

The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ - Again, this is one I'm playing every now and then, what with it being a roguelike and all.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - ...I couldn't resist. It came out yesterday, and I've got so many other games to beat, but I couldn't resist.

Technically, Thumper and FAST RMX could feature here, but I've given up on ever beating them - the former due to its difficulty, the latter due to being made obsolete by MK8D.

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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyMon 25 Sep 2017 - 19:03

Holy Christ Mas. No Still, nice of you to make that post early on and make the rest of us feel better.

I'd forgotten Snipperclips! Duh! Will add it to my original post, although that's probably near falling off as one I can accept I'll never finish.

Last edited by Balladeer on Mon 25 Sep 2017 - 19:04; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : No pun intended - genuinely did not spot it until I'd typed it in.)
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyMon 25 Sep 2017 - 20:07

I'd like to at least get through the base game content - I fully concede that I'll never get around to playing the DLC.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyTue 26 Sep 2017 - 21:10

Fast Racing Neo - I'm probably not going to spend much time on this again either. As slick, tight and technically accomplished as it undoubtedly is, it's all a little bit flat. It's not that interesting a game.

Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove - I quite like all of this, and I'll crack on with it someday.

Snake Pass - I'm not far off finishing this, but it can be a bit of slog to get through some of those levels. I think I said elsewhere that it could have done with more playtesting, as it's not a very even game. Quite good when it all comes together though.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - I just stopped playing this one day, and I don't know why. I think I beat the fourth Divine Beast and then put it down for a couple of days in June, only to then not go back to it. What a superb game though. Even without finishing it, I've stuck over sixty hours into it, which is more than I played any Wii U game.

Namco Museum - I finished Splatterhouse and Rolling Thunder 2, but that's still nine games that are left undone. Will I go back and finish Dig Dug, Pac Man, Sky Kid and the rest? Probably not.

Splatoon 2 - Good for the odd online Turf War, but the single player didn't really capture my imagination. Can't see me going back to it.

Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle - Still on the first world of levels, as I've not found the time to play much of it. I'm actually thinking of trading it in - it's all right, but not a game I see myself coming close to finishing.

ARMS - The same as Splatoon 2 in the sense that I'm not really arsed about finishing it. Cracking game though - what a great surprise.
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyWed 27 Sep 2017 - 19:40

The Cappuccino Kid wrote:
Fast Racing Neo - I'm probably not going to spend much time on this again either. As slick, tight and technically accomplished as it undoubtedly is, it's all a little bit flat. It's not that interesting a game.


The Cappuccino Kid wrote:
Splatoon 2 - Good for the odd online Turf War, but the single player didn't really capture my imagination. Can't see me going back to it.

Also this... for all that people talked about how much the Splat single-player is like SMG, SMG felt much more imaginative. Possibly due to the aesthetic, possibly due to Mario being massively intuitive to control and the Inkling... not, not for me. (I'm aware that I've opened up a snack-size can of wormlets there, so just assume I've filled it in with concrete already.)
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyWed 27 Sep 2017 - 20:49

Balla wrote:
Also this... for all that people talked about how much the Splat single-player is like SMG, SMG felt much more imaginative. Possibly due to the aesthetic, possibly due to Mario being massively intuitive to control and the Inkling... not, not for me. (I'm aware that I've opened up a snack-size can of wormlets there, so just assume I've filled it in with concrete already.)

*explodes concrete open with dynamite*

The SMG comparisons were for the first Splatoon which I think has a far far better single player mode than the sequel, a lot of the bosses fall flat for me in the sequel & I feel in some levels there's less focus on getting around & more on shooting the enemies while solving the occasional puzzle. No doubt there is some clever stuff in there but I wouldn't compare Spla2n to SMG at all.
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PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyWed 27 Sep 2017 - 20:53

Re. the wormlets, I was talking about saying SMG's controls were intuitive. I just know that's going to get somebody's attention. Winky Face

The first boss in Spla2n is, up until now, my favourite bit of the game.  Maybe because I don't have the first one to compare it with, but still.  I appreciated clambering over it, and it did feel quite Galaxy-like.  Agreed with what you say about the level design though.
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyWed 27 Sep 2017 - 22:56


*pours concrete mix back on the wormlets & seals shut in the darkest dungeons of the space ark"
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyWed 27 Sep 2017 - 23:30

For my money, Spla2n's singleplayer was let down by needing every level to be doable with every weapon. It forced the level design to be a little less inventive and a little more shooting-focused, as Jas mentioned.

Back on the matter at hand, my Switch backlog:

Splatoon 2 I've finished the singleplayer, but the multiplayer will no doubt keep me going for a long time to come. Plus, I'd quite like to unlock some of the hero weapons and stuff like that.
Neurovoider I just recently played this for review, but it's an arcadey roguelike thing so there's plenty more I could get up to if I were inclined.
Mario + Rabbids To my shame, I've not played much time to play this and am still at the first miniboss.
Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. This is the reason little else has gotten played, and even this has only managed a paltry 37 hours in the month since release. I have very little free time with the ludicrous hours I've been working, then even when I get home I'm often too knackered to game. Plus I spent a week playing Halo with my brother.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe I've almost hit the 100 hour mark. I'm sure the multiplayer will be a mainstay for a long time to come, but there are still those 200cc staff ghosts taunting me with the fact I don't technically have full completion yet . . .
ARMS I've beaten the Grand Prix at every difficulty with Min Min but I'd also quite like to do it with, if not everyone, Twintelle, Ribbon Girl and Lola Popp. I also wish I had more time to play mutiplayer and git properly gud.
Zelda Breath of the Wild I don't even have every shrine yet, let alone all the koroks and the DLC dungeon and that. I want to have at least done all the shrines before the second DLC.
Thumper I'd like to play more of this, I'm a just before the point where I think most of you quit, but this is one that needs me properly in the zone and that doesn't happen all that much just now Sad
Shovel Knight I beat this again, but I've still not touched Plague or Spectre . . .

I do have Fast RMX, Kamiko and Semispheres completed to my satisfaction, though.

Now, if we were talking uncompleted 3DS games . . .
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyThu 28 Sep 2017 - 18:21

The more you fellas talk about it, the more Spla2n's moving from backlog to black hole...
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyThu 28 Sep 2017 - 20:44

My backlog now contains Picross S and Golf Story for, as we know, I do like a good RPG with sporting elements. Love An ever-evolving thing, is the backlog.
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyThu 28 Sep 2017 - 21:42

Balladeer wrote:
The more you fellas talk about it, the more Spla2n's moving from backlog to black hole...

Well, it's still a great game that anyone on here should play through until the end, plus you're not going to be beating your backlog with talk like that. Razz
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The Next Aonuma

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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyFri 29 Sep 2017 - 23:25

I've added FIFA 18 which doesn't really have a end, but I'm thinking I will play as Exeter and go from League 2 to the Champions League then be done.

Got Inversus for NSG which I've got no idea what it is about and I plan to get Golf Story.
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyMon 9 Oct 2017 - 3:23

I'm probably doing ok when it comes to my Switch Backlog but that's mainly because I've for once in my life avoided buying games I know I don't have time to play. Anyway:

Mario + Rabbids - On to the last world of this but moving through it slowly having a few games on my plate, probably would have finished it much sooner had the missus not hogged it in the early weeks.

Has Been Heroes - Bought this on a whim because it was a retail release I thought might be a bit rare and I had some money to spare but after only one quick play I've not revisited and probably won't for a while.

NBA Playgrounds - This is another I might not play for a bit because I'm really not very good at it and every time I try to get my head around it I fail miserably.

Snipperclips - Made the mistake of trying to play through this with my niece, she's definitely at the right age to play it competently but finds it more fun just to irritate me on it. Hissy fit

Only 4 games which doesn't seem too bad but now that I think about it, that's a decent percentage of my Switch games so maybe I need to work on it a little bit.
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptyMon 9 Oct 2017 - 5:47

Steamworld Dig 2 is formally added to the backlog. And Thimbleweed Park is formally added to the frontlog.
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The Next Aonuma

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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptySun 19 Nov 2017 - 11:22


As my list was rather long due to codes for NSG etc and I'm never going to play more than the needed 10mins for a video for the likes of Jydge. I think my actual backlog of games I've bought/want to play is:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Just got the game and will try to find time to play it between LA Noire and Dec 1st when XenoGear.Club 2 come out along with anything in-between on the eShop or if I pick up anything in work during double discount (looks at Sonic Forces).

L.A. Noire, Just started and this will be my go-to Switch game at the moment

LEGO Worlds
, bought for like £20 at work as the Switch is new, I've still got that awe that's cheap lets pick it up and I'm still yet to even play but as I like the LEGO games and haven't given it a go, it's not yet in the pile of won't be beaten.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, At the start of World 2 so still lots to do with this one nit sure why I stopped something else must have come out around the same time.

Splatoon 2, My most guilty unbeaten game as the campaign is only 5-6hrs and I've done one world. This was going to be the Switch game I'm playing but LA Noire turned up and as I've not finished it now, then what's an extra few months.  

Likely won't get beat but still have a chance:

Has-Been Heroes, Nothing has changed since last time, part from the game has had an expansion for free.

Monster Hunter XX, I think this will be soon added to the pile of games that won't get beaten just because I'm so behind the Mashers and World BETA soon and then that game will be here.

Seiken Densetsu Collection, a cool game to have in my collection but that's about it.

Skylanders Imaginators, similar to LEGO as it was cheap a few weeks after launch but because of Zelda then Persona 5 on PS4 and since then the Switch has had game after game including better platformers. I think the way I'd play this again if I get the Crash Skylander at some point.

From the eShop:

Golf Story, on the second course.
Graceful Explosion Machine, told good things and was on a sale which means it's another awe that's a cheap game.
I Am Setsuna, if Splat 2 is my most guilty retail game then has to be the eShop equivalent.  
Ironcast, interesting match 3 game which is actually sort of short but I'm not just that great at it when it comes to the boss fight.
Kamiko, same as GEM.
Pankapu, got for NSG but this one I do want to play as I quite like the art-style and feels a bit like Dust (this could do with a Switch port).
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, another hey it's a cool launch game.
Stardew Valley, yet to play as I think soon as I do and if it does click, I could be playing for a good while/
Vaccine, this can be beaten in like 5mins but the game is rather bad making it part from games I have that I have no intention to playing again like Jydge, the bottom of the pile of my Switch games.

My beaten Switch games are BotW, Mario Odyssey, Oxenfree, Rime, PAN-PAN, Snake Pass, Sonic Mania, Fire Emblem Warriors, ARMS, Puyo Puyo Tetris, FIFA 18 (I felt what I did was beating it) then Kart 8 has no real goal this time with all the tracks etc being unlocked that it is just there as a multiplayer only game now which is no different to Overwatch.
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptySun 19 Nov 2017 - 11:34

mas wrote:
Monster Hunter XX, I think this will be soon added to the pile of games that won't get beaten just because I'm so behind the Mashers and World BETA soon and then that game will be here.

I assume you'd be doing every quest in the village? I hit the "end" credits a month or so ago mainly focusing on key quests and even that took a while.
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptySun 19 Nov 2017 - 11:56

If I wasn't 2 weeks behind you guys from the get go and other games hadn't took my time away then maybe but now I feel the time has past on it with World just around the corner, that is where I now want to Hunt.

I think you said yourself this would happen just after the E3 reveal of World.
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Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptySun 19 Nov 2017 - 13:38

Aye, It's even getting to the point where I don't think I'm going get to G rank before World comes out - 2017 has been too damn good for games.
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PostSubject: Re: Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt   Switch Backlog Thread of Guilt EmptySun 19 Nov 2017 - 14:58

The_Jaster wrote:
2017 has been too damn good for games.  

Word. A lot of excellence out there these days. Cool

If mas is updating, the least Zero can do is the same. Thumbs Up!

LA Noire: the retail game of choice at the moment. Can't wait to fire this up again.

Thimbleweed Park: it's going to take a while for me to build up the patience to get through this one, I fear. Unless there's a way to get pointer controls working that I don't know about.

Cat Quest: very pleased with this. Cute as anything and seems simple enough.
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